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 1. Science Audio  JNPT v32 n3 September 2008  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 2. Science Audio  JNPT v30 n3 September 2006  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 3. Science Audio  JNPT v33 n3 September 2009  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 4. Science Audio  JNPT v31 n3 September 2007  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 5. Science Audio  JNPT v32 n2 June 2008  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 6. Science Audio  JNPT v32 n1 March 2008  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 7. Science Audio  JNPT Journal Club March 2008 with Evan Cohen, Linda Czisa, Vanina Dalbello-Haas, Donna Frownfelter, Ed Gappmaier, and Rob Dekerlegand  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 8. Science Audio  JNPT v30 n1 Commentary  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 9. University of Florida  2008 September 1 to 5  Gardening in a Minute 
 10. Adam Pawlus  September 26, 2008  Entertainment Earth Podcast 
 11. Adam Pawlus  September 5, 2008  Entertainment Earth Podcast 
 13. Faith Comes By Hearing  September 2008  A Minute with Morgan 
 14. University of Florida  2008 September 22 to 26  Gardening in a Minute 
 15. 1UP Network Staff  1UP FM - September 1, 2008  1UP FM 
 16. 1UP Network Staff  1UP FM - September 22, 2008  1UP FM 
 17. It's Hot in Here  It's Hot in Here 22 September 2008  2008 
 18. Adam Pawlus  September 12, 2008  Entertainment Earth Podcast 
 19. Adam Pawlus  September 19, 2008  Entertainment Earth Podcast 
 20. University of Florida  2008 September 8 - 12  Gardening in a Minute 
 21. Science Audio  JNPT v31 n2 June 2007  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 22. Science Audio  JNPT v33 n1 January 2009  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 23. Science Audio  JNPT v30 n4 December 2006  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 24. Science Audio  JNPT v31 n1 March 2007  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 25. Science Audio  JNPT v33 n2 June 2009  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 26. Science Audio  JNPT v31 n4 December 2007  The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 
 27. Stephen Euin Cobb  September 10, 2008 Episode  www.TheFutureAndYou.com 
 28. HoodHype Hip-Hop Show  Episode #70 for September 17, 2008  HoodHype Hip-Hop Talk and Underground Music 
 29. Emmanuel Goldstein  Off The Wall, September 23, 2008  Off The Wall 
 30. Emmanuel Goldstein  Off The Wall, September 30, 2008  Off The Wall 
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